New Jersey Personal Trainer Helps “Biggest Loser” Finalist Prepare
Stirling, NJ – December 15, 2010 – As millions of viewers across America prepared to discover this season’s winner of NBC’s “The Biggest Loser,” many may not have been aware of the preparation that went on behind the scenes with the contenders, themselves. Alfredo “Frado” Dinten, a 43 year old NYMEX commodities trader– one of three finalists and a crowd favorite – had been preparing himself for his final weigh-in with the help of The Body Shop Studio and it’s founder/trainer Mike Occhipinti.
In the two months that stood between the show’s consistent filming and the culmination of the season in what was a live and final weigh-in, it was up to each of the finalists to continue working towards their goal from home – to become the country’s Biggest Loser and take home the $250,000 prize. Frado had been working out at his home in Staten Island for several weeks, but couldn’t lose any more weight. It was then that he turned to The Body Shop Studio of Stirling, New Jersey, for some direction.
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“When I first met Frado he had been spinning his wheels, but not going very far,” said Occhipinti, founder/owner of The Body Shop Studio, and personal trainer to The Biggest Loser contestant. “I taught him that we just needed to work smarter, and not necessarily harder.” After creating a specific meal plan tailored to fit his needs and goals, along with a specific workout regimen of just an hour three days a week, Frado – who began the show at a dangerous 367 pounds – quickly shed nearly another thirty pounds in just twelve days with Occhipinti. Weighing in at 221, this ensured his spot in the finals.
Today, two months later, Frado is down a total of over 150 pounds since the show’s start; he weighed in on the finale at just 205 pounds. “I feel great, I have more energy, I’m off my medications, and I’ll be honest with you,” said the contestant, “I have muscles now at 43 years old that I’ve never had before. The show saved my life and Michael helped add to it that much more.”
Frado, who never much cared whether he came in first place or not (“I’m wearing a size 30 pant now – who cares!”), ended the season in second place and is now readjusting to life after The Biggest Loser. Still heavily involved with the multiple charities he supports, he has already completed his first marathon, and anticipates entering a bodybuilding show with the help of Occhipinti this Spring.